應徵表單 https://tally.so/r/mVQjBv
|| Job Opening | 職缺 | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| A1 | Cloud Engineer | 雲端系統工程師 | [detail](#-Cloud-Engineer--雲端系統工程師) |
| A2 | Application Engineer | 系統應用工程師 | [detail](#-Application-Engineer--系統應用工程師) |
| B1 | AI Ops Engineer | 智慧維運工程師 | [detail](#-AI-Ops-Engineer--智慧維運工程師) |
| B2 | Assistant Engineer | 助理工程師 | [detail](#-Assistant-Engineer--助理工程師) |
| C1 | Web3 Marketing | 行銷企劃專員 | [detail](#-Web3-Marketing--行銷企劃專員) |
| D1 | International Sales | 國際業務 | [detail](#-International-Sales--國際業務) |
| D2 | Sales Assistant | 業務助理 | [detail](#-Sales-Assistant--國際業務助理) |
| E1 | UX/UI Designer | UX/UI 設計師 | [detail](#-UXUI-Designer--UXUI-設計師) |
| E2 | Web Developer | Web 前端工程師 | [detail](#-Web-Developer--網頁開發工程師) |
| E3 | Miki Editor | 媒體小編 | [detail](#-Miki-Editor--媒體小編) |
| F1 | Clouder Intern | 雲耕隊實習生 | [detail](#-Clouder-Intern--雲耕隊實習生) |
> [name= hr@ypcloud.com]
# Join YP 加入YP
- [職缺](#Job-Opening-職缺) / [English Information](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc)
## 壹 | 應徵階段
### | 提交履歷
- [ ] Email - hr@ypcloud.com
> 標題:「應徵 | [應徵職位] - [姓名]」
- [ ] 應徵表單 - https://tally.so/r/mVQjBv
### | 資訊平臺
- [ ] [Facebook](https://fb.com/ypcloud) (雲耕隊)
- [ ] [GitHub](https://github.com/motebus)
## 貳 | 初試階段
### | 通訊平臺
- [ ] [Telegram](https://t.me/ypcloud_career) (HR)
### | YP 應徵測驗
- 熟悉 Clouder 工具;
- 使用 fBuilder 創建 2 個 FlowBot(低程式碼程序);
- 使用 jBuilder 創建您的個人「.me」 jBoard 頻道。
請參閱 [雲耕隊課程](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/cRyHRFIS1) 第 1 至 7 課,此 md 檔將協助您完成任務。
- [ ] 熟悉 [**Clouder** 工具](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/x2QXQKDcm)
- [ ] **FlowBot**
使用 fBuilder 創建至少2個指南中列出的低程式碼。
> -- [「fBuilder」使用者指南](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/MANBVU-IZ)
- [ ] **jBoard**
使用 jBuilder 創建個人“.me” 頻道,
>將生成的 URL 提交至 hr@ypcloud.com
> -- [「jBuilder」使用者指南](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/1-DMJqYTT) / [FAQ](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/ZD6HFP9Wf)
## 參 | 面試階段
> 請於面談前主動聯絡HR並告知姓名
## 肆 | 審核階段
# Apply for YPCloud Inc.
YPCloud desires to bring the distributed cloud to the world and to share this passion with anyone who appreciates digitalization.
We are always looking for fun, passionate and hard-working individuals to join the YP team.
If you are interested and available to work in a new digitalized era, submit your CV.
- [Job Opening](#Job-Opening-職缺) / [中文資訊](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## Stage A - Application
### | Submit Your Resume
- [ ] Email - hr@ypcloud.com
> Title:「Apply | [job application] - [name]」
- [ ] Application Form - https://tally.so/r/mVQjBv
### | Information Platform
- [ ] [Facebook](https://fb.com/ypcloud) (Clouder)
Corporate Diary, Corporate Culture and Activities
- [ ] [GitHub](https://github.com/motebus)
Enterprise technical information
## Stage B - Test
### | Communication Platform
- [ ] [Telegram](https://t.me/ypcloud_career) (HR)
### | YP Interview Test
As part of your YP interview process,
you have been requested to:
- familiarize yourself with Clouder Tools;
- create at least 2 FlowBots (low code programs) using fBuilder;
- create your personal ".me" jBoard channel using jBuilder.
Refer to courses 1 to 7 in the [**Clouder Course**](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/cSXN35cZg), this md will help you with the task.
- [ ] Familiarize yourself with [Clouder Tools](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/48NXV4Ylb)
- [ ] **FlowBot**
Creat at least 2 flowbots (low code programs) as listed in the guide using fBuilder.
> -- [fBuilder User Guide](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/dwkjUWcwP)
- [ ] **jBoard**
Create a personal “.me” channel using jBuilder.
>submit the generated URL to hr@ypcloud.com
> -- [jBuilder User Guide](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/jerNaey7T)
**[jBuilder FAQs](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/ZD6HFP9Wf)**
Please read the FAQ If you have any questions, and if necessary, you may contact customer service 123@ypcloud.com
## Stage C - Interview
HR will arrange an interview time
> Please contact HR before the interview
## Stage D - Review
HR will reply within a week to inform when you are hired
# Job Opening 職缺
Venue: Taipei World Trade Center
- 6D07, No.5, Sec.5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei
- 臺北市 信義區 信義路 五段 5號 6D07
Time: 09:00 - 18:00 Taipei Time 臺北時間
Five-day work week 週休二日
## | Cloud Engineer / 雲端系統工程師
- 開發 和 維護 系統架構 和 程式邏輯
- 實現 微服務,並使用 Kubernetes、Docker 和 Node.JS
- 熟悉 演算法 和 作業操作系統
- 至少熟悉一種 資料庫語言
- 重視 軟體工程
- 熱衷於 程式設計、技術鑽研 和 問題解決
- 學習能力強 和 抗壓性高
- 願意分享 和 喜歡自我挑戰
**Job Description:**
- Develop and maintain system architecture and programming logic
- Implement microservices and work with Kubernetes, Docker, and Node.JS
**Job Requirements:**
- Familiarity with algorithms and operating systems
- Knowledge of at least one database language
- Values software engineering
- Passionate about programming, technical research, and problem-solving
- Strong learning ability and high stress tolerance
- Willingness to share and enjoy self-challenge
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Application Engineer / 系統應用工程師
- 設計 服務流程機器人 並 制定規格
- 規劃 和 開發 系統設計 和 應用解決方案
- 有 系統設計 和 應用方案規劃 經驗
- 熟悉 微服務 架構
**Job Description:**
- Design service FlowBots and define specifications
- Plan and develop system design and application solutions
**Job Requirements:**
- Experience in system design and application planning
- Knowledge of microservices architecture
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | AI Ops Engineer / 智慧維運工程師
- 維護 和 操作 雲端基礎設施
- 建立 和 實施 系統運維自動化
- 有雲端結構 維護 和 操作 經驗
- 能使用 自動化工具 和 技術
**Job Description:**
- Maintain and operate cloud infrastructure
- Establish and implement system operation automation
**Job Requirements:**
- Experience with cloud structure maintenance and operation
- Ability to work with automation tools and technologies
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Assistant Engineer / 助理工程師
- 根據 興趣 和 專長 定制研究主題
- 研發 軟體新技術 與 新工具
- 負責 軟體分析、設計 和 程式撰寫
- 進行軟體 測試 和 修改
- 資訊相關科系尤佳
- 能夠支援業務部門處理客戶需求
**Job Description:**
- Customize research topics based on interests and expertise
- Research in new software techniques and new tools
- Handle software analysis, design, and programming
- Conduct software testing and modification
**Job Requirements:**
- Major in computer-related fields is preferred
- Ability to support sales department in handling customer needs
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Web3 Marketing / 行銷企劃專員
- 負責公司行銷活動策劃與執行
- 與跨部門團隊合作,確保行銷活動順利進行
- 了解並掌握 Web3、Nostr 等相關趨勢,並將其應用於行銷策略
- 分析市場趨勢,進行競爭對手分析並制定相應行銷策略
- 負責編寫、編輯與優化行銷相關內容
> 如 新聞稿、網站內容、社群媒體帖文 等
- 設計和執行線上、線下活動,提升品牌知名度及用戶參與度
- 具有行銷經驗
- 強大創意思考及策略規劃能力
- 優秀溝通技巧,能與內外部團隊有效協作
- 能獨立工作,對新技術和趨勢具有高度的敏感性和學習意願
- 具備基本數據分析能力,能夠透過數據優化行銷策略
- 流利中英文書寫和口語能力
**Job Description:**
- Responsible for planning and executing YP's marketing activities.
- Collaborate with cross-departmental teams to ensure smooth marketing campaigns.
- Understand and master trends in Web3, Nostr, etc., apply them to marketing strategies.
- Analyze market trends, conduct competitor analysis, and formulate corresponding marketing strategies.
- Responsible for writing, editing, and optimizing marketing-related content,
> such as press releases, website content, social media posts, etc.
- Design and execute online and offline events to increase brand awareness and user engagement.
**Job Requirements:**
- Experience in marketing.
- Strong creative thinking and strategic planning abilities.
- Excellent communication skills and the ability to effectively collaborate with internal and external teams.
- Ability to work independently and have a high sensitivity and willingness to learn about new technologies and trends.
- Basic data analysis skills and the ability to optimize marketing strategies through data.
- Fluent in both English and Mandarin writing and speaking.
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | International Sales / 國際業務
## | Sales Assistant / 業務助理
- 參加 國際展覽、記者會 和 活動規劃
> 如 Computex 等
- 開發通路商 並 協助業務模式提案
- 商品 及 雲服務 行銷規劃
- 舉辦活動以推廣產品 並 管理社群媒體
- 文件製作
> 如 新聞稿、簡報、Demo 等
- 有 軟體產品 和 雲端服務 行銷規劃經驗
- 擅長 溝通 和 簡報技巧
- 跨部門協調 和 研發進度追踪能力
**Job Description:**
- Participate in international exhibitions, press conferences, and event planning
> e.g., Computex, etc.
- Develop channel partners and assist in business model proposals
- Software product and cloud services marketing planning
- Organize events to promote products and manage social media
- Documentation:
> e.g., press releases, powerpoints, demos, etc.
**Job Requirements:**
- Experience in software product and cloud services marketing planning
- Strong communication and presentation skills
- Cross-departmental coordination and R&D progress tracking
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | UX/UI Designer / UX/UI 設計師
- 使用 Figma 進行 UI/UX 設計
- 進行響應式設計,並 優化自動佈局(Autolayout)
- 整合 JavaScript(或jQuery) widget 並開發使用者介面
- 負責手機和平板電腦的頁面排版設計
- 與後端團隊協作進行資料整合
- 遵守開發流程和規範
- 熟悉Figma,並有 Adobe XD 和 Sketch 使用經驗
- 注重使用者介面細節
> 如顏色、間距、行寬、一致性 等
- 熟悉 RWD 和 PWA 技術
- 具有 GitHub 使用經驗,擅長 遠端協作和溝通
- 良好的時間管理能力,抗壓性強
- 主動積極,具團隊精神和責任感
- 思考敏捷,具獨立解決問題的能力
- 學習意願高並勇於接受挑戰
**Job Description:**
- Design UI/UX using Figma
- Implement responsive design and optimize autolayout
- Integrate JavaScript (or jQuery) widgets and develop user interfaces
- Design page layouts for mobile and tablet platforms
- Collaborate with backend teams to integrate data
- Follow development processes and standards
**Job Requirements:**
- Proficient in Figma, with experience using Adobe XD and Sketch
- Attentive to user interface details
> such as color, spacing, line width, and consistency
- Familiar with RWD and PWA technologies
- Experience using GitHub, skilled in remote collaboration and communication
- Strong time management skills, stress-resistant
- proactive, team-oriented, and responsible
- Agile thinker with the ability to independently solve problems
- high willingness to learn and embrace challenges
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Web Developer / 網頁開發工程師
- 使用 Vue.js 設計 和 開發 使用者界面
- 與後端團隊合作進行數據整合
- 有 整合 JavaScript ( 或 jQuery ) widget 能力
- 精通以下任一前端框架
> JavaScript、Vue.js、CSS、HTML、jQuery、Bootstrap 等
- 有 手機 和 平板電腦 頁面排版設計經驗
- 注重使用者界面細節
> 如 顏色、間距、行寬、一致性 等
- 有 與 後端 介接資料 經驗
- 熟悉 RWD 和 PWA
**Job Description:**
- Design and develop user interfaces using Vue.js
- Collaborate with backend teams for data integration
**Job Requirements:**
- Possess the ability to integrate JavaScript (or jQuery) widgets
- Proficiency in one of the following front-end frameworks
> JavaScript, Vue.js, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Bootstrap etc.
- Experience in mobile and tablet layout design
- Attention to user interface details
> e.g. color, spacing, line width, consistency etc.
- Experience in interfacing with back-end data
- Familiar with RWD (Responsive Web Design) and PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Miki Editor / 媒體小編
- 了解公司相關資訊 並 編輯客戶需求
- 創作吸引人的文案 並 支援行銷活動
- 與網路社群互動 並 保持對網路趨勢關注
- 學習能力、溝通能力 及 執行力 佳
- 強大的創意 和 溝通技巧
- 熟悉媒體 和 網路社群平臺
- 對網路新知保持關注的興趣
**Job Description:**
- Learn about company-related information and edit customer requirements
- Create engaging copy and support marketing activities
- Interact with online communities and stay current with trends
**Job Requirements:**
- Strong learning, communication, and execution abilities
- Strong creativity and communication skills
- Familiar with media and online community platforms
- Interested in staying updated with the latest internet trends
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
## | Clouder Intern / 雲耕隊實習生
- **雲端工程實習生**:
- 撰寫演算法模擬程式及部分 prototype;
- **資訊管理實習生**:
- 表單編排、資料庫彙整、CRM程式協作、上架流程設計;
- **網頁設計實習生**:
- 以 Vue.js 創作,需含一學期實習;
- **業務實習生**:
- 具開發客戶能力、職涯規劃喜歡業務工作;
- **媒體創作實習生**:
- 對媒體編輯感興趣
- **Figma 實習生**:
- 對UX/UI設計感興趣
- 對特定實習角色感興趣 和 相關技能
- 能夠在團隊中表現良好 並 迅速學習新技能
**Job Description:** (Various roles available)
- **Cloud Engineer Intern**:
- Write algorithm simulation programs and partial prototypes;
- **Information Management Intern**:
- Form layout, database compilation,
CRM program collaboration, listing process design;
- **Web Designer Intern**:
- Create with Vue.js, requires a one-semester internship;
- **Sales Intern**:
- Ability to develop clients, interested in a sales career;
- **Media Editor Intern**:
- Interested in media editing.
- **Figma Intern**:
- Interested in UX/UI design.
**Job Requirements:**
- Interest and skills relevant to the specific internship role
- Ability to work well in a team and learn new skills quickly
> [Apply](#Apply-for-YPCloud-Inc) / [應徵](#應徵乒乓話網股份有限公司)
###### tags: `HR`,`YPCloud`
> [Hi Clouders](https://md.ypcloud.com/s/48NXV4Ylb)
> [name=| HR - Ruby Lai 賴壬暖 | CEO - Steven Hsu 徐錫東 |]